I live and work in Canberra, Australia, and completed a PhD in the Painting Workshop at the Australian National University School of Art in 2013.  In my practice-led research I've been exploring the potential of geometric art to visualise memory and thought, with particular reference to the work of Latin American concrete artists such as Lygia Clark, Waldemar CordeiroHélio Oiticica and Gertrud Goldschmidt

As a former research scientist, I paint and draw images of ‘impossible objects’ that I feel are analogous to my experience of developing scientific hypotheses.  My exploration began with representational painting, and now takes the form of multiple series of small gouache works depicting geometric forms that evolve from image to image.  These have developed from my continuing interest in science, and from my fascination with logic diagrams and with the memory palace, an ancient technique for extending the capacity of the mind to store information.